BureauBR is a medium-sized archi­tec­tural firm consis­ting of two offices. A regi­onal team in Bree is in close colla­bo­ra­tion with an inter­na­ti­onal team in Brussels. Together, we focus our work on inves­ti­ga­tive design of private communal housing, social housing, public buil­dings and the construc­tion of schools.

We always main­tain an open dialogue with our clients, part­ners and envi­ron­ment. For every project we search for the right exper­tise within our team, comple­mented by inte­res­ting and fruitful profiles from outside our team. Our working envi­ron­ment supports this open way of working by offe­ring flexible work­places to other orga­ni­sa­tions and companies.

Our firm was esta­blished in 1987 under the direc­tion of Jef Vandekerkhof. Over the years it evolved into archi­tekt-nburo’. In 2022, after the opening of a new office in Brussels and welco­ming a second gene­ra­tion into our mana­ge­ment team, archi­tekt-nburo’ became BureauBR’.



Reflecting upon our context

Both offices are situ­ated in the heart of their urban context: a one hundred year-old storage house in the historic centre of Bree versus a moder­nist resi­den­tial tower in the Northern quarter of Brussels. Where one looks onto a lands­cape of typical Flemish houses, the other one gazes at modern skyscra­pers that repre­sent the economic vita­lity of the city. By using an open arran­ge­ment of workspaces, both offices enter in dialogue with their surroun­dings. This allows us to orga­nise events, concerts and neigh­bour­hood meetings while inte­gra­ting in our context.

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Reflecting upon our workspace

Whilst the work­shops in our Bree office allow for a specific use of space thanks to its large rooms, our office space in Brussels is more rati­onal and generic. “ t Kroegske”, the goei kamer”, the work­shop and the model room are spaces with their own specific character. This stands in contrast to the multi­func­ti­onal and adap­table ground floor in Brussels. The big show­case window, func­ti­o­ning as a canvas towards the street, in combi­na­tion with the long green curtains, create a space that anyone can make their own. The ground floor acts as an exten­sion of the side-walk, so to speak.

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Reflecting upon our ways of working

The know­ledge gathered within 35 years of expe­rience nurtures our young team and thus allows for a reliable, open and honest way of working. We acknow­ledge that every project requires a custom way of working, there­fore we use diffe­rent ways of conveying design ideas through work­shops, sket­ches, scale models, plans or images which are deli­ne­ated by our enthu­si­astic team members.

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Jef Vandekerkhof

Manager & Architect

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Pieter Vandekerkhof

Director & Architect


Veronica Aguirre

Burgerlijk ingenieur architect

Lien Baele 01

Lien Baele


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Kaat Berben

Interior Architect


Bieke Boonen

Studio Director & Architect


Heleen Das

Interieur Architect


Frédéric De Vylder

Studio Director & Civil engineer Architect

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Glenn Eerdekens

Construction coordinator

Pieter F

Pieter Froyen

Studio Director & Civil engineer Architect

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Frie Grobben

Office Manager

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Marise Hendrikx

Architectural draftswoman


Rob Janssen

Civil engineer Architect

Brecht new

Brecht Schouten


Michiel new

Michiel Vandepoel


Maxim new

Maxim Vandewal




Noise machine

Graphic design & web design: Serruys Verdoodt